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FoodWhy Everyone Loves Brunch

Reading Time: 4 mins

Posted on the 21 December 23

We know you’ve heard of Bottomless Brunch… but have you experienced our Cuban inspired brunch?


It’s a well loved way of enjoying the tropics with your favourite amigos, without the airmiles of course.


In case you wondered why that is, we’re here to explain it all.


Brunch 101

If you’re in Scotland, we call it Brunch Fiesta as the offer is ever so slightly different due to licensing.


Wherever you are across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, everyone gets 90 minutes to enjoy their Brunch. As part of that, you can order one of our delicious brunch dishes.


From our Full Grilled Breakfast to our Chorizo Hash and of course the freshly prepared Avocado Brunch, each one is delicious and guaranteed to satisfy.



If you are in Scotland and having Brunch Fiesta, you’ll enjoy a welcome mimosa and any four drinks from the menu.


For everyone else, you can enjoy unlimited drinks from the brunch menu throughout the duration of your booking.


To see all the food and drink options available, visit our brunch page by clicking here.



Why is everyone so excited about Bottomless Brunch?

Our brunches are more than just two hours of Cuban drinks and delicious food.


Below are some of the reasons our guests keep coming back for more.


90 Minutes of Cuban Fun

At Revolución de Cuba we know how to throw a fiesta and brunch is no different.


Brunch is 90 minutes of Cuban fun with your favourite amigos. The conversation is flowing because it’s all table service, the range of drinks includes all the ones you love and the food is cooked to perfection. 



Out Out without the Late Night

If you’ve ever partied with us into the night, you’ll know our evening celebracions are iconic but they’re not for everyone, and that’s okay! 


For those of you who want to experience the Cuban lifestyle without the late night, brunch is perfect. You can enjoy all the perks of the tropics, and still be in bed by 9pm.


Double Your Bar Tab

Be a part of La Familia

At Revolución de Cuba, we’re all out being inclusive and everyone being a part of La Familia. With Bottomless Brunch and Brunch Fiesta, you’re able to be just that.


Imagine enjoying a brunch with your amigos, and looking over to the table next to you who are having just as much fun.


Nothing quite beats the sense of community you gain from being transported to Latin-America over cocktails and freshly-cooked brunch food.


Bottomless Brunch until 6pm!

We know not everyone is an early-riser and besides, we’re technically working off Cuban time anyway (it’s 4 hours behind GMT if you’re wondering!).


This means you can brunch at a time that suits you, even after work if you like… as many of our brunches do because our brunch is also available seven days a week!


You don’t need to book your Bottomless Brunch

If you’re feeling impulsive our Bottomless Brunch and Brunch Fiesta is made for you. We usually fully booked on the weekends, but sometimes we might have a table free, just for you.


Next time you’re passing by and fancy a taste of Havana, pop in and we’ll see what we can do!



Are you ready to transport yourself to the tropics and enjoy a Bottomless Brunch or Brunch Fiesta Revolución de Cuba style?


Head over to our brunch page to explore the menu and make your booking (if you’re not going to head down immediately for a walk-in of course).


Explore Brunch at Revolución de Cuba


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